Piper Super Cub
build log
[page 2]

  July 3rd. .....six months from the start.....
  Painting and clearcoating is near completion.....Here's my shop full of painted parts waiting for the final assembly.
  This is always the exciting  time.....to see the project in one piece for the first time.


                                 Here is the finished interior with the pilot [from Axel's Pilots, Germany]

July 24th.....
ROLL-OUT DAY !!.....
Not completely finished but good enough to show off !! I took it to a Scale Master's competition In Vernon yesterday, its not ready to fly but I talked the judges into static judging it for me. They gave me a 95/100 and most of the downgrades were for small items that I have not installed yet.....that made me happy. Weight came in at under 25lbs. which I think is very light for this model [most, I think, are close to 35lbs.] The use of a lot of carbon fiber, the skeletoning of many parts and the light motor weight really paid off in the end...... Just a little more detail to add and some fine-tuning before the big day !!



The first flight was absolutely perfect.....all my worries were for nothing. The Cub flew three flights and not a single click of trim was needed. the balance seemed correct, the bungees in the landing gear were OK, the engine ran fine with lots of power and nothing came loose......these were my major concerns.


    May 10, 2009.....Almost a year later.....



A year of great flying, a nice article in Sport Flyer Magazine.....


And then THIS !!  .....



UGH !!

